
Mar 1, 2010


I said I'd write a post within a couple weeks and while I haven't been keeping close track of time, relatively to my last posting, I do think it's been about two weeks since my last post. I really should try to be more regular...

Anyway, today was a very productive day. My parents and I left for Boulder around noon, stopping at the REI in Denver for a couple hours on the way. The REI was nice; I talked with one of the reps about 3-season sleeping bags and pads, tried a few out, checked out some clothing, looked at tents. REI is to me what a candy store is to kids: heaven. They have almost everything and anything you might want on an outdoor trek, and if they don't have what you need or want they at least will give you an idea of what to look for on the 'net. Great place.

After Denver we continued the journey to Boulder, which took FAR less time than I'd expected. Overall I'd say the drive to Boulder took a little under two hours. I don't know why, but I'd been thinking it would take over three. o.O

When we got to Boulder we first went to the Prana store to pick up a pair of pants and two pairs of shorts (OK, they're really manpris; so sue me!) only to find that the store was closed, which took us aback because it was 16:40 and we'd been told earlier in the day that they'd be open until 17:00. So, due to equal parts desire and confusion, I called the clerk behind the desk, who I could see through the giant glass window, and asked 'em why they were closed at 16:40 when I'd been told half an hour ago that they'd be open until five. She had the other guy working the floor come and open the door for me and I went in, tried the stuff on, bought it and left, no problem. I'm glad they let us in, 'cause I would have been slightly pissed if they hadn't.

After that we went out for the most amazing Chinese meal I've ever had. I don't recall the name of the restaurant, but I do remember the food was absolutely delectable. Then again, it could just be my Asian fetish surfacing again. I like to think that my love of the restaurant is due to the ambiance and the food, though.

Now I'm in bed, about to go to sleep. I have to get up at oh-dark-thirty tomorrow morning to help my mother with her nannying. The kids are fun, but I really loathe getting up so early.


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