
Apr 10, 2012

So, what's in a name?

Wow, what's this? Two posts in three days?? What's going on?!

I said I'd explain the new title of the blog and, seeing as I have yet to start a short essay due tomorrow, this is the perfect moment!

I'm currently studying Tibetan at my university and when my professor mentioned that proverbs are incredibly important in daily interactions between Tibetans, I decided to look around for a collection of proverbs. While searching I stumbled across Pema Tsewang, Shastri's "Like a Yeti Catching Marmots: A Little Treasury of Tibetan Proverbs", which is a little collection of 108 traditional Tibetan proverbs in both Tibetan and English, along with a brief explanation if necessary. The first proverb in the collection, and the one that gives the collection its title, is explained by the following:

"The Yeti, or Dremo in Tibetan, is a dim-witted mythical beast said to feed only on marmots. It sees a marmot, grabs the hapless creature, and then sits on it -- saving the delicious morsel for later. And then the Yeti sees another marmot and leaps up to snatch it - while the first marmot makes a quick break for freedom. An image of bumbling, foolish effort - and the pitfalls of greed."

While I can't say I identify as much with the greed aspect, I certainly feel a kinship with the Yeti as a fellow bumbling fool, stumbling after ideas the way the Yeti stumbles after marmots. It's also just a funny saying.

So, there you go. That's it.

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