
Oct 19, 2011

Harder Than I Thought

Writing a blog post is difficult.

I think part of the reason I find it so difficult is the same reason I rarely post things to my Facebook or G+ account, which is a sense that nothing I have to say or share is really of great import.

I mean, what makes me, or anyone else for that matter, think that what they're writing is worth the time to write or read? It's certainly not the case with most things that I put here.

That being said, I definitely recognize the value of something like this. It's a way to share thoughts in an open way, to receive feedback and grow in intellectual maturity. It's also a pretty decent way to hone writing skills, though that's clearly not what I'm using it for.

Anyway, this is really just a hold-over post to indicate I'm still interested in doing this, I just need to think of something worthwhile to post.

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